Une Cathédrale D’eau Entre Ombre et Lumière
Un Diamant Dans Le Desert
2022, Reef Lagoon Beach, Bahrain
The Atacama Desert in Chile is known to be the most inhospitable desert in the world: and yet, regularly, under the effect of the coastal El Nino current, it becomes a flowering desert, to the point that it is the name that the Chileans give him. It is this metamorphosis that we are proposing for the project. If it starts from the strengths of the site, it aims to create a real micro-climate and offer its customers a unique sensory experience.
The site is first an extraordinary geography, on the edge of a lagoon, flooded with sun and bordered by water: a climate that needs to be softened to become heavenly all year round. The project will therefore work on 3 themes linked to the site: water of course, light and shadow. Hence the proposed title: a water cathedral between shadow and light. That will live day and night.
The objective in relation to the site is therefore to create a microclimate giving the site its uniqueness and notoriety. The existence of natural microclimates has always, in the past, given the reputation and success of small regions or towns. Today we know how to create artificial microclimates.This is the first ambition of the project. But the site is also history and this is that of Arab civilization, rich in traditions, refined in its decorative arts as in its literature. Our project will be like a diamond, brilliant, mysterious, and object of desire. Create a microclimate to provide permanent comfort in a unique and refined atmosphere.
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An area=7000m2 of the site is covered with roofs of different heights and inclinations, forming a foliage reminiscent of the foliage created by the wind in the desert and creating a canopy in the shade of which buildings such as gardens and circulation areas can develop.
Faults cross these roofs making it possible to differentiate the landscapes depending on whether they are in the shade or in full light. They give lightness to the whole and open up a vertical dimension in a built complex. This horizontal dimension accentuated by the foliage integrates perfectly with the site and appears as a mirage. This roofing principle, at the basis of the project, is complex and refined.
Complex because it will organize a series of overhangs which will add to the singularity and beauty of the building,

Refined because the inclinations of the different roofs reflect those of the different sizes of the diamonds. Likewise, the openings in the roofs reproduce different diamond shapes. During the day, the diamonds will be seen from the ground. At night, they will shine when seen from the sky but when seen from the ground they will give the stars a unique decorative role.

Inscribed in traditions thanks to its colors, those of the desert and thanks to inspiration from traditional architecture: the use on certain parts of raw earth, creation of moucharabieh, floor paving forming embroidery etc.
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The Landscape follows the principle of lamination with 3 distinct levels. A canopy of tall palm trees surrounding the project on these 4 sides, accompanying the roofs and giving the feeling that we are entering an oasis. A lower, sun-hungry stratum in the gaps between the roofs, serving as slides to isolate gardens.
Wonderful gardens under the roofs, accompanying the buildings and each providing a particular personality, matching the uses which will house the buildings. These lush gardens bathed in water, shade and light are a source of serenity and intimacy. They will be able to design somewhat intimate rooms, accompany customers' journeys, allow solitude or, on the contrary, create convivial spaces. No plots therefore but “natural” paths in a flowery landscape. These routes are also the signage of the places. It is from the ground that the feeling of well-being and serenity must arise. It is from the roofs that feelings of protection and security must come.
There are also 3 different water strata: A “river” 150 meters long and 10 meters wide borders the site on the lagoon side. It regularly houses swimming pools with differentiated functions and whose uses can be linked to the activities that will take place in the buildings (“sports” swimming pool, gymnastics swimming pool, cool swimming pool, wave swimming pool, etc.) A spectacular swimming pool 250 meters long, high up, overlooks the site and gives it its audacity and madness.
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